A Machine learning based tool for predicting antiinflammatory response of any peptide/protein antigen.

To assist users, we have incorporated following section/tools in this web server:
  • Peptide prediction: In this section, user can submit peptide of 5-30 amino acid length and can predict the antiinflammatory property of peptides.
  • Protein Scan: This tool enables user to identify antiinflammatory regions in a full length protein/amino acid sequence. Here user can select desired length of peptide for prediction.
  • Epitope Mapping: To assist user mapping experimentally validated antiinflammatory epitopes on its query sequence, we have provided this tool. In this tool user can get the query mapped with antiinflammatory epitopes and links to related assay in IEDB database.
  • Similarity Search: In contrast to the epitope mapping module where exact matches with experimental data is seen, this tool performs Smith Watermann search of query sequence in database of experimentally validated antiinflammatory epitopes.